Middle Leader Quality Assurance Review (MLQAR)
Developing middle leadership through an in-person peer review programme driving school improvement at a hub level
Launched in 2023/24, the MLQAR draws on the principles of our acclaimed Quality Assurance Review (QAR).
It gives subject leaders the chance to gain valuable skills in evaluation and peer review as part of their continuous professional development.
Who is it for?
Available to Network of Excellence hubs and designed to be hub-led, with expert training and resources provided by Challenge Partners central team.
What does it require?
A minimum of three to four schools involved in both hosting a review and sending middle leaders to review another school in their hub. At least two senior leaders from the hub to be trained by Challenge Partners as lead facilitators.
Key benefits
Unique development opportunity for middle leaders to develop peer review and evaluation skills, increasing their effectiveness as subject leaders
Schools gain clarity and validation on their subject’s strengths and identify actionable development areas
Promotes high quality learning conversations between leaders at all levels and from different schools
Subject leaders identify and share best practice – and establish a local network of subject specialists
Further development for senior leaders as MLQAR lead facilitators
A great opportunity to share ideas and see how another school operates at all levels. Particularly worthwhile being able to review a subject you lead on in your own school in order to magpie ideas and have professional dialogue
Helen Rann, Highwoods Academy, reviewer, MLQAR pilot