SEND Developmental Peer Review Stories

How do our SEND Developmental Peer Reviews impact schools? Hear from school leaders and SEND Coordinators on the importance of taking part in our most recently designed programme for schools who would like to focus on enhancing provision and outcomes for pupils with SEND

West Earlham Junior School: Catrin Eyers, Headteacher

Headteacher, Catrin Eyers’ shares her journey of reflection, growth, and collaboration as she leads West Earlham Junior School in providing an inclusive and supportive environment for all learners

Riverside School and Hornchurch High School: Kendra Del Rio, Director of SEND

Kendra Del Rio, Director of SEND at Riverside School and Hornchurch High School, speaks about the benefits of Challenge Partners’ SEND Developmental Peer Review upon the schools

The Sydney Russell School: Debra Watling, Assistant Vice Principal and SENDco

Assistant Vice Principal Debra Watling highlights how the SEND Developmental Peer Review has allowed the school to reflect on practices, celebrate successes, and identify areas for improvement